Low-temperature scalds refer to burns caused by long-term body contact with heat sources above 45°C. Contact with a temperature of 70°C for 1 minute may cause burns to the skin; contact with a temperature of nearly 60°C for more than 5 minutes may cause burns.

Unlike burns caused by high temperature, the pain on the wound is not very obvious, only redness, swelling, blisters or whitening appear on the skin, and the area is not large. The surface of the burned skin does not seem to be severely burned, so many friends relax their vigilance.In fact, the wound depth of low-temperature scalds often reaches a deep second or even third degree, and the deep tissue necrosis caused by the tube for burn skin is not used in time or is handled improperly.
Common causes of low-temperature scalds include hot water bottles during sleep, burns from warm babies, or diabetic patients, paralyzed patients, and drunk people due to insensitivity to heat. The principle of tube for burn skin treatment is that the diagnosis of low-temperature scalds is not difficult. The patient has a clear history of exposure to heat sources, but the appearance of the wound looks like a second degree, which may cause misdiagnosis.

IShanCare is a company that intensively researches and develops tube for burn skin, strictly controls the quality of products, shapes a team of professional doctors, provides users with scientific and professional nursing knowledge, and ensures that users can prescribe the right medicine to the disease and use the medicine safely. The main product tube for burn skin, if you need to consult or purchase, please contact us.